
Utility Online Payments

The City of Buhler is making your life easier with our new utility bill payment options. You can now pay online! After your first visit, payments are just 3 quick steps. You can pay by credit card, debit card, eCheck or eSavings. Give our new services a try; we are sure you will enjoy the convenience!

Click the link below to make your online payment.

Automatic Bill Pay is already available. Simply stop by City Office with a voided check and sign up for this service. You will receive your regular bill, but it will state that it is an "Electronic Payment Customer - Don't Pay." The current amount will be automatically withdrawn from your account on the 15th of each month or the first business day thereafter.

Trash and recycle carts need to be curbside by 7:00 am

2025 Pick up schedule

Other Services

The following items are available by contacting the City Office at 543-2253:

  • Rental of the Albert Becker Park shelter at Buhler Road & Avenue B.
  • Rental of the Community Events Marquee (3 lines of no more than 18 characters per line). $5 for the first day and $2 per day thereafter.
  • Public Service Announcements on the Community Bulletin Board.
  • Copies at 20¢ each at the City Office.
  • FAX service at 25¢ each at the City Office.
  • Weekend Rental of a city dump truck for citizens to load brush, compost, or CLEAN lumber that City Employees will take to the City Landfill. $20 – one load per weekend. Citizens are not allowed in the cab of the truck.
  • Keys to the landfill are available for checkout for up to three days.